Dear Parents and Carers
I can't believe we are now marking the half way point of the academic year which is flying by with exhilarating speed!
Last week, I reported to our Local School Committee. This committee forms part of our governance structure and focusses on our cluster of schools within the MAT - Bampton, Burlescombe and Webbers schools. There is currently a vacancy for a parent member for Bampton and if you would be interested in supporting the school in this role, please do let the office know. Glyn Lewry is the Chair of the Committee and some of you may have met him when he attended our last Parent/Teacher evening.
On Monday, I was so proud to join three of our School Council pupils speaking to the Town Council and members of the community about what they enjoy about school. They were confident and articulate and were a credit to the school and to their parents. Many thanks to their parents who supported them in this.
Safeguarding is top of the agenda in the day to day running of the school, and I was delighted that when one of the Safeguarding Team for Devon County Council visited us this week to carry out a rigorous Safeguarding review, she was pleased with the systems we have in place. The pupils she spoke to were able to talk about what they can do to keep themselves safe as well as what we put in place to support their safety, not only while they are in school but also on the internet.
Coincidentally, on my way into school I heard a radio programme about the dangers that young children with smart phones can be unwittingly exposed to. It contained some useful information for parents who find themselves battling the 'but everyone else has one' argument.
This week we have also revamped our Ethos Committee which looks at how we can ensure our Christian values are made explicit in everything we do. The Committee consists of a member of the school staff, Rev Kev (LSC) and members of the School Council. We discussed how we can promote the Christian values in the school, how the children would like to drive our Collective Worship forward and we reflected on what makes a Church School such as ours, stand out from the crowd! Deep stuff for such young minds but they were brilliantly thoughtful and their views were well articulated.
A short but very fruitful term is always followed by a well deserved break and I wish you all a very happy and restful half term, while looking forward to welcoming you back to school on the 19th of February.
Best wishes
Lully Newman
Head Teacher
Parents and Carers Resources
Mental health and Wellbeing link https://www.annafreud.org/parents-and-carers/
Please see below the attendance percentages for each class, calculated from the beginning of the term up to and including 8th Feburary 2024.
Hedgehog Class | 91.3% |
Squirrel Class | 95.3% |
Fox Class | 95.8% |
Stag Class | 91.5% |

After School Clubs
Monday |
KS2 Fencing - Book on the School App |
Tuesday |
KS1 Computing run by Mrs Johnstone - Book on the school app |
Wednesday |
R, KS1 & KS2 Eco club run by Mrs Newman - Book on the school app |
Thursday |
KS2 Art club run by Laura Grant - book on the school appYear 6 Cuppa club run by either Mrs Chant or Mr McCutcheon - book on the school appR, KS1 and KS2 Forest School run by Primary Forest Education - Parent need to book directly |
Friday |
R, KS1 and KS2 Gymnastics run by Premier Education- Parents need to book |
12th – 16th February 2024 | Spring half term |
27th February 2024 | Stephen Froom Willow Workshop |
29th February 2024 | Y5-6 Boys Tag Rugby 6 a side THS |
2nd March 2024 | Exmoor Challenge Practice Walk |
4th March 2024 | Year 1/2/5/6 Fire Service workshops |
7th March 2024 | World Book day |
8th March 2024 | Lego League Bude |
14th March 2024 | Exmoor Challenge Practice walk |
14th March 2024 | Y3-4 Mixed Football 6 a side THS |
8th – 17th March 2024 | Science Week |
17th March 2024 | Sports relief |
23rd March 2024 | Exmoor Challenge Practice walk |
29th March – 12 April 2024 | Easter Holidays |
4th May 2024 | Exmoor Challenge |
7th-8th May 2024 | Fox Class Hooke Court Residential |
24th May 2024 | Inset Day |
27th -31st May 2024 | Half Term |
6th June 2024 | KS2 Muller Trip |
25th,26th, 27th June 2024 | Year 6 THS Transition days |
8th -12th July 2024 | Stag Grenville House Residential |
25th July 2024 | Yr 6 Leavers Assembly |

Stag Class | Highest Score | Jasmine |
Stag Class | Amazing Effort | Tyler |
Fox Class | Highest Score | Cassie |
Fox Class | Amazing Effort | Lucas |
Squirrel Class | Highest Score | Ellen |
Squirrel Class | Amazing Effort | Mabel |
Here are this week’s Times Table Rockstars, Superstars! We would like everyone to celebrate our top scorers and those who have made amazing efforts. All staff have been so impressed with children’s enthusiasm and determination to improve their times tables knowledge. If your child’s name is mentioned in the newsletter, then there is a 3 house point reward! Your child has a Times Table Rockstar login, which can be used at home too.
Good luck everyone!
Fieldmice and Hedgehog Class:
We have been reading We’re going on a Bear Hunt and enjoyed taking part in the Bear Hunt activity trail outside. We have also been enjoying the story of The Colour Monster and have been talking about our feelings and how we can help people when they are feeling down. In science we have been using the dark tent to look at colour filters through a torch which has been great fun! In art we have been reproducing Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh using watercolours.
Squirrel Class:
really impressed us this week with their Great Fire of London knowledge. They absolutely smashed their end of unit quiz and have been impressing Mrs Newman and visitors with their fantastic fire facts. In Science we have been learning the names and identifying British plants, wild flowers and trees. In the half term if you have any seeds you could plant and grow in your window at home that would be a great activity to keep your child thinking about our current topic.
Fox Class:
have demonstrated the Character virtues of determination and resilience. Over the last two weeks, Fox class have learnt about the rock cycle in Science and explained this brilliantly to all of the adults who have visited the classroom. This half term, Fox class have shown amazing resilience and determination to learn. Every lesson, they ask great questions to further their understanding and are so enthusiastic. This is especially highlighted in our French lessons!
I cannot believe that we are half way through the school year!
Everyone in Fox class has started to learn about our focus artist Henri Matisse. They have created beautiful art pages reflecting Matisse’s bright colours. I have been very impressed with how they have written their thoughts and ideas about a variety of his artwork.
Stag Class:
demonstrated critical thinking in our History lessons this fortnight, learning about the Windrush Generation. I have been so impressed with the way that they are now thinking like historians – observing sources carefully, asking questions and drawing conclusions. We have learned about the challenges the Windrush pioneers faced, and discovered what a positive impact they had on our workforce, culture and community. The children are so knowledgeable and I’m really proud of the way they are able to talk about their learning.
We’ve started a new English unit on explanatory texts, and we have been looking at the use of organisational devices such as bullet points and subheadings. When we come back after half term, we’ll be working towards writing our own explanatory text to link with our Science unit on Living, Growing and Changing.

Field Mice
For demonstrating our school values of confidence and friendliness. Victoria, has demonstrated confidence in every lesson, as she is keen to explain to the class how she has solved a problem. She also shows friendliness to others by including everyone in class discussions and being a kind friend on the playground. Well done Victoria!

Charlie in Hedgehog Class
For demonstrating the virtues of motivation and kindness. Charlie has been a star in phonics in particular, both reading and writing with ever-growing confidence. Charlie has also been very kind to children who are younger than him, regularly offering to escort them into the lunch hall. Well done Charlie!

Joseph in Squirrel Class
For resilience and determination in phonics, Joseph has been a great example in green group, recognising lots of sounds and read his words with confidence. Well done Joseph.

Jack in Fox Class
Everyday, Jack demonstrates the character virtues of aspiration and leadership. He leads by example with his hard work and ability to explain a concept. In Science, Jack led a group sorting the properties of rocks. He has great aspiration to be a palaeontologist, and I have no doubt that with his great drive and determination, he will achieve this.

Orla in Stag Class
For demonstrating creativity in her incredible written work. Orla’s adventure story, set in Pompeii, is incredibly well-crafted, with brilliant dialogue and evocative description. Orla is also extremely polite, always ready with a thank you, and is an excellent role model for the younger members of the school. Well done Orla!
Well done Everybody

The PTFA is made up of parents, carers, teachers, and friends of Bampton School with a shared interest in raising funds for equipment, resources, and activities to enhance the children’s learning experience.
We meet monthly to discuss how we as a school community can develop and improve school facilities and students’ opportunities, through planning fundraising events such as Bingo events, the Christmas Community Evening, Easter Extravaganza etc.
We welcome new and old members and are hoping for more support in the coming months. If you can help in any way, or would like more information on the work we do then please contact bamptonptfa@gmail.com or look out for meeting dates on the school website, posters around the school or for notes in your child’s book bag.
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